Friday, October 30, 2015

Changing Seasons = Making Changes

Change can be scary to most people and that is understandable.  But, sometimes change can be good. So don't always think the worst when you hear the word change.

Irrigation systems need to be monitored, just like your children and your pets need to be watched to make sure they aren't causing trouble! The schedule for your irrigation system needs to be updated and changed depending on the season and how much natural water your lawn is receiving.

October makes the perfect time of the year to make changes to your irrigation plans.  The weather is beginning to finally cool off a bit and we even have a bit of a chill in the air in the evening.  With this change taking place, your lawn doesn't have the incredible thirst for water like it did in the hot summer months.  Adjust your watering schedule to fit the new needs of your lawn.  Dormant turf loses water and can be damaged if it becomes too dry. Don't stop watering, monitor rainfall amounts so you don't over water.  If your lawn is receiving one inch of water per week that should be sufficient.

Don't let change scare you!  Make the needed changes to help your lawn be the envy of the neighborhood.

Call Sunbelt Turf Farm for all your sod needs!

Sunbelt Turf Farm began in St. Clair County. Over 30 years have perfected the art of growing, selling and the delivery of quality turf grass. Customer satisfaction is paramount and we stand behind our turf grass. Expansions into Shelby and Talladega Counties successfully turned cotton fields and pasture land into beautiful green turf. Commercial and retail opportunities, pick-up or delivery, free estimates, fast turnaround and remaining environmentally friendly separate us from the rest.

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